Category: Field recordings


Ptitsegrad area

Pronounced Ptea-tseh-grAHd – that is Bird City in Russian

/ 04.11.2019

Reggae sung in Uzbek

There are songs you'd like to put through Shazam straight away

/ 22.09.2019

Zapadny Roundabout

Miles and miles of empty tarmac road running through the woods and old dachas

/ 14.09.2019

Restoring Medieval sounds

Restoring past also means restoring sounds of the past

/ 24.08.2019

Set of Sounds № 4

Translating tweeting into brawl, looking for the twin chimes tunes

/ 18.07.2019

Set of Sound № 3

An irregular series based on field recordings both archival and new

/ 13.06.2019