A self-invented rule – no recording should sound longer the a pop-song. One, two or three minutes are enough nowadays when everyone is so busy. But there comes a time when some rules should be broken. In this particulare case – those elusive dark and dull winter evening time, when time passes in a different way. Let’s spend those evenings listening to the inexcusably long recordings, and the first one is of the spring flood beneath the railway embankment halfway from the Rybny to the Vifansky crossing.

Three more recordings. An early morning in Ferma, a Sergiyev Posad suburb, 15 minutes at the dimly lit Lutch skating rink, and the waters of the Lesnoye lake, turning into the sounds of the Lotos swimming pool.

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Recorded April 2012 (MS-TFB-2).
Published 26 February 2013.

/ 26.02.2013

5 📨

  1. What an excellent capture of a seasonal moment. The train passing overhead is a nice juxtaposition between nature and industry. One thing I have noticed about the sounds during floods is how quiet everything becomes – aside from the quick flowing water there is usually an absence sound from birds, insects and indeed people.

  2. So good, so quiet, thank you for this moment

  3. Good to hear that, thank you Jerome.

  4. I really liked the long piece. I needed something relaxing to listen to while working. I almost duck for cover when the train rushed passed. Smile. Great work.

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