Category: Nature


Sharapovo and Il’yinki

Wells, linden trees and somersaults: sounds of villages to the east of Sergiyev Posad

/ 27.09.2020

New on – the substation hum

Electricity and birds recorded in late July

/ 09.08.2020

A peregrine falcon (?) from Pustoye Rozhdestvo

Sound recording from the place that hasn't been featured yet

/ 16.05.2020

Seven minurtes of rain

Listening to the rain, while sitting inside a car in December

/ 19.04.2020

Lesnoy lake, a year ago

A 19-minute walk along the shore

/ 10.11.2019

Ptitsegrad area

Pronounced Ptea-tseh-grAHd – that is Bird City in Russian

/ 04.11.2019

Zapadny Roundabout

Miles and miles of empty tarmac road running through the woods and old dachas

/ 14.09.2019