Category: Nature

Frogs’ choir

Frogs choir by TVR. Лягушачий хор от ТВР

/ 18.06.2010

Severny, a soundwalk

Waking up two hours earlier is worth the effort if you're heading for a field recording walk like this

/ 28.05.2010


7.30 am in Sergiyev Posad. Пол-восьмого в Сергиевом Посаде.

/ 23.05.2010

Frogs, north Sergiyev Posad

Frogs' duo heard one morning at the lake edged by the railway line and dachas

/ 21.05.2010

Victory Day cricket

Cricket chirr on Victory Day, 2009. Сверчок в День Победы, 2009.

/ 05.05.2010

May 2 – Dawn Chorus Day

Last years' dawn chorus recorded at the Abramtsevo estate

/ 03.05.2010

Black fields

Another seasonal sound here, burning grass whiz, crackle and hiss

/ 01.05.2010