At the end of December we presented a series of shows at, each starting at midnight – just to make those longest nights a little bit brighter. We’ve been listening to about 30 field recordings of all sorts made at night, and apart from that visited a secret skating rink, delved into the world of overnight theatre stage works, phoned our friends asking them to describe colours and shapes outside their night windows, and much more.

Here are all the three episodes of Pervy Chas Nochi (From Midnight Onward) – first broadcast at

Episode 1, December 24/25, 2020

радио, сергиев посад, oontz

Featuring Vlad Zarudny, Pavel Zverev, Tatyana Selexnyova, Pavel Aliev, Ivan Ganin (all three of the Kvadrat Art Club), Easy Ride bicycle club and repair shop.

Night field recordings: first bus leaving the depot, silence by the college gates at Kirova street, Karla Marksa street night life, Professorskaya street in Semkhoz, night bird singing in the rain at Engelsa street, street sweeper filling its reservoir from the Banny pond, Vorobyovskaya area fountian beside the dental clinic, Christmas bells, night at the PMK area.

Artwork by Diana Gevorkian.

Music by Bandris, Blue Dot Sessions, Clubfratsen, Dunai, Jahzzar, Jonah Dempcy, MIT Concert Choir, Simon Mathewson, Weinland (all under the Creative Commons license).

Episode 2, December 25/26, 2020

радио, сергиев посад, oontz

Featuring Semen Semyonov, Pavel Aliev, Tatyana Seleznyova, Anna Yakovleva (all three of the Kvadrat Art Club), Easy Ride bicycle club and repair shop.

Night field recordings: vocal performance at the karaoke club, Banny pond embankment, bikes along the Krasnoy Armii Avenue, block of flats at 48a Krasnoy Armii Avenue, clash by the bus station, garbage collecting and air-vent systems behind the Kapitoly mall, Semashko street ambience, Loutch skating rink, V. Zagorsky monument, Zolotilovo village.

Artwork by Diana Gevorkian.

Music by Bandris. Blue Dot Sessions, Jahzzar, Julian Winter, Nctrnm.

Episode 3, December 26/27, 2020

радио, сергиев посад, oontz

Featuring Maria and Dmitry Orlov, Alex Rdultovsky, Easy Ride bicycle club and repair shop, Tatyana Seleznyova and Anna Yakovleva (both from the Kvadrat Art Club).

Night field recordings: distant train whistles, residents of a flat singing along to the song of Alexander Novikov – the Russian rough balladeer, silence at the same location (both recordings made at the Troitskaya Sloboda area), random chirpings at Zubachyovskaya street, Church of the Prophet Elijah, ambience at the Sergiy Radonezhsky monument, a passer-by at the Rabochka area, heartwarming and spirits-fuelled chat at Osipenko street,

Artwork by Diana Gevorkian.

Music by Bandris. Albert Beger, Bandris, Jahzzar, Montana Skies.

/ 10.01.2021