An abandoned scout camp, known in Russia as Pioneers camp, located by the village of Zhutchki (zhou-tch-‘key) near Sergiyev Posad. We went there with the local Radonezheye TV crew to film the last leg of this bike race. ‘The site is protected by dogs’, we have been warned by an old shabby sign plate on the gates, but it is more likely it is now protected by all sorts of insects instead.

Recorded May 23rd, 2010 (SP-TFB-2)
Published February 13th, 2011.

/ 13.02.2011

3 📨

  1. Михаил 13.02.2011 at 08:55


  2. Спасибо, Михаил!

  3. Nice balance between birds and industrial sounds. I like the slow rumble of the truck approaching near the end of the clip.

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