The remarkable _SD_, Mother Russia’s enfant terrible and wedding photographer (hiring him is really worth tying the knot) has always wanted to learn to play the piano. But in the meantime he is playing the wooden log that is normally used as a draw well hoist. _SD_ is displaying his talents at the Bogorodskoye village annual festival.

Recorded August 28th, 2010 (CA-14)
Published August 31st, 2010.

/ 30.08.2010

6 📨

  1. Dear Volodia! We wonder to hear the rest records you`v made that day. Shure they are the same delicious as this one! : – )

  2. Spa-sea-bow 🙂

  3. olga-kostyukova 31.08.2010 at 02:00

    Якутская народная песенка “Про комара”

  4. Что ж так печально звучит!!!

  5. Оля, нам с СД ничего не остается, кроме как кивать друг на друга.

  6. саморазвивающаяся мелодия

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