Everyday Sergiyev Posad sounds
• The most detailed map on oontz.ru
• Markers arranged on a scalable map
• Four optional layers for each time of the day
• Weather on the day of recording
• Link to a longer post about the recording
More maps:
- People of Sergiyev Posad speak about the sounds of their part of the city as they walk through it: www.oontz.ru/en/posad (2011)
- Everyday sounds: www.oontz.ru/en/karta (2012)
- Orthodox church bell ringing map: www.oontz.ru/en/zvon (2016)
- Here and There map — same sounds, different countries : oontz.ru/en/ks (2018)
- Walking around the Lesnoye lake: oontz.ru/lesnoye (2019)